Email problems
27/04/07 19:59
My current mail and web hosting provider
is letting me down - seriously. Last months
service has been so-so, and last week 22 and 23
of April, yesterday 27 and today 28, I haven't
received any mail due to server problems. Thanks
to their lack of cooperation, I haven't been
able to switch to another server either. Anyone
experienced with these matters willing to help
me: Call me at +31 6 2466 5125
Call me or keep resending your mails. Sorry, this is out of my control.

Call me or keep resending your mails. Sorry, this is out of my control.
Bizzynis choices
18/04/07 18:11
Our business is growing fast. In order to keep track
with developments, we decided to stop carrying out
custom modifications. Most of this work will be taken
over by our dealers, who also provide modifications,
using Tentlabs modules.